Friday 13 April 2012


After living in such a confined space with such a schedule created by others, we decided to escape for some beauty therapy.  Tuesday we packed up the car - with Tucker - and headed into the Rockies. Somehow Jordan had never remembered seeing Lake Louise, so that was our destination.

It took some tenacity getting there - a rockslide and then an avalanche turned our 5 1/2 hour trip into a 10 1/2 hour trip.  But we made it and the weather allowed some spectacular perspectives.  That is one of Jordan's favorite talking points.  He treasures perspective, valuing many of the difficult life experiences he's had for what they've allowed him to become.

We've included some pictures of mini-hikes on the snow-covered lakes.  Even we were surprised by lakes we could walk on in April.

When Jordan stepped on the scale, he was dreading it because it still has been hard to get up an appetite.  But he tipped the scale at 105 - Yahoo!

Next week we're planning to get down to business with homework and yard work – it’s going to be awesome (smirk)!