I read a quote by Oswald Sanders a many years ago that
stuck. “Faith by its very nature must be tested.”
Pushing away fear and choosing to trust when Jordan’s pain
is staring at me every time I look his way takes its toll. No one can figure out why Jordan is still
struggling with nausea and unable to enjoy food. We thought the last 2 weeks we’d be able to
catch up on homework, enjoy some breathing space between trips and instead
we’ve spent an inordinate amount of time trying to find distraction from nausea
pain and we’re holding our breath as we fly out tonight. One step at a time.
I have come to appreciate the power of words. At the best of times they contain life or
death. When we’re exhausted and
vulnerable, they literally feel like life or death going into you. How many careless words have I spoken? We
want to thank you for braving our fragility and speaking courage and faith into
our hearts.
This is the furthest thing from a normal holyday. Our lives are the furthest thing from
normal. Half way through our flight to
Vancouver, I turned to Kim and told him my struggle to hear and believe God’s
voice. He opened up the National Post he
was reading to reveal the section headline “GOING ALL IN”. Wow!