Wednesday 21 March 2012

Learning Curve

Sometimes the nausea acts like an enemy. It blind sides Jordan, doubles him over and takes him out.  That's when he asks for prayer.  So as you can imagine we are praying a lot.  And since it's a lot, we often run out of words.  So grateful for tongues - to speak and let God translate.  Also grateful for Holy Spirit's groaning on our behalf. And for lots of Scripture to pray.  A real battle, with a real enemy, real weapons and a sense of urgency.  Because even though this is a season, there is an outcome that means the difference between life and death.

Tomorrow we part ways.  Kim flies out to Texas (yea points) to meet with our teaching mentor, Curry Blake, who specializes in the arena of equipping all believers to lay hands on the sick and see them recover.  His instruction from the Word of God has been life to us.  And given us opportunity to repent - change our mind - about some of the things we've believed and taught as we search the Scriptures and see things we've been blind to. Very humbling.

"The power of God to salvation" in Rom 1:16 is the Greek word 'Soteria' meaning to deliver, save, heal, protect and make whole.  And 1 Tim 2:3-2 "who desires all men to be saved" is the Greek 'Sozo' meaning to heal, to deliver, to preserve, to save, to protect, to do well and to make whole".  I didn't see the relationship between salvation and healing before.  It was all about eternity, not really for today.

My experience with healing in the past has been hit and miss so it was easier to try to identify the obstacles to healing rather than settle in to the truth of God's Word on the matter. It didn't help that my Dad died suffering 2 years ago. But I don't have to try to explain every situation where someone I love hasn't been healed.  I get to rest and rely on instructions to believers in the Scriptures that have withstood the test of time. "Faithful is He who calls you who also will do it."

Jordan and I are flying in to Vancouver for his PET scan early Friday morning.  We`re trusting his nausea will go so he can lay still for the 45 minute scan.  And we`re anticipating the results we`ve all prayed for.  There are times when I catch myself holding my breath.